Creating tests

This part of the documentation will explain the required fields and the tests that are possible.

Each test file needs to have exactly two keys at its root; the ‘test_info’ and the ‘tests’ key.

The ‘test_info’ key contains a dictionary of information about this test and information needed to run this test. The ‘tests’ key is a dictionary that contains the actual tests.

Ok! Let’s get started:

  1. Open a new file.
  2. Add the JSON dictionaries stated in the example.
  3. Think of a name for your test. For what malware sample is this test? Use that as a name for the test.
  4. Save your new file in the tests directory of Cuckoo-unittest with a .json extension.
Example: the filename is Cryptolocker-test.json
            "test_info": {
            "tests": {